In a very special episode of Real Men of History, we are proud to interview men who knew our savior, the messiah himself, Jesus Christ. Celebrate Christmas a.
LDS/FHC Information The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) - Family History Centers . Note: The Family History Library in history of jesus christ Salt Lake City holds microfilm .
History of Jesus Christ - What influence has this man named Jesus had on the world? How have people responded? Examine the evidence here.
The Christian Church is the universal institution embodying the Christian faith, the religion based on the worship of Jesus of Nazareth as the son of God.
Christianity: History and Beliefs of Christian Religion. Life and Death of Jesus Christ. Quotes Pictures
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History of Jesus - What evidence does the Shroud of Turin give to the historicity of the Christ? Discover some facts here.
1946. In the spring of 1820, young Joseph Smith Jr. retired to the woods near his home and offered a simple prayer to our Father in Heaven. A series of remarkable spiritual .
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Jesus Christ, the Lord of History Part One. Ever since September 11, 2001, life has not been the same.
The official Internet site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Maps, video clips, photos, and other resources providing information about the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith Web Site
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